Blob Mesh For Max 6.0

Version 1.0 Alpha

Oct 13, 2003

Copyright 2003

Written Peter Watje


V6 Source Code






This plugin is what I define as charityware and can be freely distributed.  If you find it useful make what you feel as an appropriate donation to your favorite charity.  You cannot charge or make any money from this routine by reselling or bundling them with another package/cd/web page without my permission.


To install this routine just copy the BlobMesh.dlm file into your 3ds Max stdplugs directory.  This will replace the old blob mesh compound object so back up the old one.



This is an enhancement to the Max6 Blob Mesh.  It adds 2 new options.  The first is analytic normals and the option to use a 3d texture as an iso surface.  These are only available when you the Large Data Set Optimization on.


Use Analytic Normals when checked will use the normals computed from the iso surface to generate the mesh normals instead of smoothing groups.  This should generate smoother surfaces when rendering, but at a cost of speed when generating the mesh.  Below is an image with analytic normals off.  Notice the unsmooth surface created by the sliver faces.



Here is the same iso surface with analytic normals



Notice the surface is much smoother. 


Iso Texture lets you chose a 3d texure to use to generate a iso surface around the objects that you have picked.  Only 3d texture work right now, anything that requires uvw coordinates will not work right.  The image at the top of the page is a teapot that is used as a base iso surface and then a cellular texture is added to it.








Known Bugs

Analytic Normals are still a bit iffy.



If you have any question you contact me at: